Kuupäev: 18. veebruar 2021
Kellaaeg: 19:30-20:30
Koht: Zoom
Aadress: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86347979525?pwd=bTNKVFI1d2xzbHpCbm5WTlI0VWpaQT09

JOIN the Zoom webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86347979525?pwd=bTNKVFI1d2xzbHpCbm5WTlI0VWpaQT09

This poetry night, part of  “Sentimental Education” is dedicated to the poetry of the lauded British spoken word poet Joelle Taylor, whose latest collection “CUNTO” explores the gay scene in the 1990s London and the British rapper and poet Adam Kammerling, whose recent debut book “Seder” has been named a finalist for the National Jewish Book Awards.
Both, Joelle and Adam perform their fresh works and after that we have some time to ask them what we want to know about their “sentimental education” (for example what their poetry has taught them or what they are eager to learn next).

*”Sentimental Education” is a poetry course and video project lead by www.lavaluule.ee. This event will be a smooth introduction to the 3-months programme of poetry and video collaboration with reflections of mental health. More info about the course.

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